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video output F54F9B6A 6514 41CB BC58 35EF3E96B483 1
video output F54F9B6A 6514 41CB BC58 35EF3E96B483 1
The Marriage Makeover Show Short Introduction Join me for "THE MARRIAGE MAKEOVER" Show Introduction on my birthday MONDAY, DECEMBER 23rd 2024 at 7:30 pm ***SHOW OFFICIALLY BEGINS January 6th and every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:30 pm We will be talking openly about: - Romance - Sex - Blended Families - Interracial Marriages - Dating after Divorce - Singles in Waiting - Getting Married at 60+ - Going Beyond Menopause and more, more, and much more!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Statistics show Marriage is under Seige and Christian marriages lack intimacy, MY ASSIGNMENT IS TO HELP RESCUE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE!!!❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉 ***LET ME KNOW if you want to be part of my show Contact me at I AM EXCITED YAYYYYYYY🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
A prayer for our MENTAL!
A prayer for our MENTAL!
How do I take my thoughts CAPTIVE!?
How do I take my thoughts CAPTIVE!?
Do you have FEARS!? I HAVE A FEW!!
Do you have FEARS!? I HAVE A FEW!!
Mental Software Renewal Downloadable 8 // “PRAISEWORTHY”
Mental Software Renewal Downloadable 8 // “PRAISEWORTHY”
Don’t let the enemy CONTROL your mind!
Don’t let the enemy CONTROL your mind!
EXCELLENT does not mean PERFECT!
EXCELLENT does not mean PERFECT!
Mental Software Renewal Downloadable 7 // “Excellent”
Mental Software Renewal Downloadable 7 // “Excellent”
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